Steam’s Finest Hour


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Steam’s Finest Hour. Edited by David P. Morgan

Copyright 1959. Published by Kalmbach Publishing Co.

A memorable picture book devoted to the American steam locomotive playing her greatest starring role.

In the final quarter-century of steam locomotives on American railroads there occurred an explosive burst of inventive energy. The builders delivered engines capable of piling up 20,000, even 30,000 miles a month of racing1000-ton passenger trains up to 100 miles per hour, of singlehandedly hauling freight trains weighing 14,500 tons and more. This book adopts a remarkable page size of 16 x 11 inches to create a permanent pictorial record of 101 of the finest locomotives in th U.S., Canada and Mexico.

Hardcover book in good condition. Dust jacket included but in very poor condition. Illustrated throughout with black & white photos. 128 pages.

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