Cooperation Moves the Public


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Cooperation Moves the Public – Shoreline Interurban Historical Society Dispatch Number 1 by Bruce G. Moffat

Copyright 2006. Published by the Shoreline Interurban Historical Society

Train operations of the Chicago Aurora & Elgin and the Chicago Transit Authority on the Garfield Park “L”.

Cooperation Moves the Public – Dispatch 1 is all about how these trains, from two different railroads, ran without signals or radio communication.  This is the incredible story of these transit operations over the Garfield Park Branch of Chicago’s Rapid elevated system. Transit historian Bruce G. Moffat brings to life an amazing synchronization of CA&E and CTA trains operated “on sight,” by timetable, and with a rule book that stated, “No collision with another train will be excused.” Maps, timetables and string charts are included in the book. 82 pages

Softcover book. Good condition. One copy only.